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Useful links for residents/fellows:

Join our Facebook group and follow us on Twitter!

CARO (Canadian Association of Radiation Oncology)

CROF (Canadian Radiation Oncology Foundation), a registered charitable organization that raises funds in support of educational initiatives, including the new CARO-CROF Summer Studentship in Radiation Oncology.

ASTRO (American Society of Therapeutic Radiation Oncology)

ARRO (American Association of Residents in Radiation Oncology) - check out their page for great educational resources!

Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada

WinC (Women in Cancer) is an online initiative, open to both men and women, that promotes collaboration, mentorship, and leadership training to promote a gender shift in oncology. Membership is free and open to medical, radiation and surgical oncologists, as well as hematologists and trainees.

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